We have been married for 20 years...Can you believe that? I know it seems like longer, since we did actually get together 24 years ago. I remember the first time I saw Marc. It was the beginning of the new semester and he was the new teachers aid for Mrs. Ambus, my English teacher. 2 other girls in my class, one which he was involved with, used to do sign language across the room to each other about him. I thought he was kind of cute. I think the first time he would remember me, was after school getting ready for basketball games. We were both on the Jr. High teams. I liked to stick the basketball up my shirt and walk around like I was pregnant:) who knew? Some of the girls knew that I liked him so they kept making sure that I was "bumping" into him. We had a region dance coming up, so I got some of my/his friends to convince him to come. The only problem was that he had gone skiing that day and was tired. I am not sure what my friends told him, but he did show up. The first song we danced to was Careless Whisper by Wham. Of course there were friends of the other girl he was involved with there that saw this and boy did it cause drama. Not to worry, we all know how it worked out! Our first official date (I was in 8th grade he was in 9th, so we weren't even 16 yet, actually we were both 14 at the time) was to my own ward YM-YW dance for Valentines Day. At the dance he took a heart off the wall and asked me to be his girlfriend.
There is no special reason for the date of our anniversary. It wasn't picked because of a special memory tied to it. In fact the only reason we got married on that date was that it was the first Saturday after Marc was to have earned his next flying certificate. We originally wanted to get married on Valentines Day since that was the same as our first date, but it wasn't to be unless we waited another year. So I guess that now we get to celebrate more anniversaries. :)
Happy Anniversary Marc! Here is to 20 more years of wedded bliss.