The time has finally come that Trev will enter the wonderful world of high school athletics. This was our last year to play baseball as the Utah Marshalls. Everything we did this year was bitter sweet knowing that it was the last of each thing. I have enjoyed the years of watching Trevor play baseball, and hope that he will be able to continue on in high school. We have gotten to know so many wonderful families through this game, and truely will miss all of them.
Our last month together, the boys played up a division in a high school automotive league. They did very well for being 14 year olds playing 16 year olds. They also got to experience playing, and winning, a game on Gates Field. This is the field which our Utah Marshalls founder Kevin Gates built at Kearns High (where he went to school, so some KHS alumni have made good).
It is sad to know it has all come to an end, but hope for the best for all of these fine young men. See you on the other side of the field, in a friendly game of baseball.