Dec 20, 2012

Carlile 2012 Farewell Tour

On the off chance that the Mayan Calendar is correct, we thought we should fill you in on our 2012 events.
Trevor has made the most out of his 17th year. Baseball took his high school team to Memphis, TN this spring, and with it, their 1st ever spring tournament championship. He spends as much time as he can, chasing a little white ball (golfing), not to mention all the girls. Socializing is his middle nameJ

Tye didn't realize that turning 21 and becoming an adult meant taking on some new responsibilities. In July, he and Lauren welcomed Braylon to our family. He was promoted to Assistant Manager at the theater, as well as continuing his studies in the engineering dept. at the U, and getting ready for a wedding.

Brittany, Jacob and Spencer continue to enjoy their home and jobs in Ogden. They are excited to be adding, what they think is a little girl, in February. Spencer is an overly “helpful” 2 ½ year old, but will make a great big brother. We look forward to the times we get to have them come and stay with us.

Marc and Janaye continue the SSDD (same stuff, different day). We took Trev, Britt, Jacob and Spencer on a Disney cruise in October. Tye and family weren't able to come due to school, so we “owe” them one (oh darn)! We also enjoyed other trips to Disneyland, CA (our family had never been), Memphis & Nashville, TN, and Jeremy Ranch. On a sad note, the sunbird was finally put out of its (our) misery, but it gave us 25 years of good use.

We hope you all have a great last few days of existence…
And a Merry Christmas too (if we aren't all Zombies)
The Carliles
Marc, Janaye and Family