For their spring training trip, the team rode a bus to California for 10 days. (With a stopover in Vegas on the way there and back) The Varsity team played in the Hard 9, and took 6th out of 16 teams. The Soph team went 3-1, and saw some pretty good teams.Opening ceremonies for the tournament was a lot of fun. Domingo came and hit lots of home runs (he is a Youtube sensation that the boys love). They even got some pictures with him.
The boys got to hang out at the beach one day and go to 6 Flags on another day. 5 boys stayed in each hotel room, and boy did it smell like it. They all had fun playing cards and video games during their down times and late at night. Trev seemed to have lots of fun, but was glad to get home and sleep in his own bed, alone!
One of the nights there, Marc and I took a little trip to Newport Beach with Blake and Angie. We also got to see John Hilton a couple of times too. We had lots of fun with the boys and all the parents. We didn't stay the whole time since we had to come home for our next schedule of events...
We hurried onto our flight from CA. Friday morning and went straight to Ogden for Brittany's graduation ceremony from Nursing school. She has officially completed her schooling for her RN, she just has to take the state test to be licensed. I am sure she is relieved to have it all done, now she needs to be able to find a job. All she wanted for graduation was a trip to Washington DC. She went there while in high school and saw bits and pieces of lots of things that she really wanted to go back and enjoy. So off her and Jacob went and left little Spencer with us.
We got to have 6 full days of Spencer. He was so good, I am sure he didn't even miss his parents (hint, hint for him to stay with us again). He is very mobile and tried to get into anything within his reach. He slept through the night and usually a couple of good naps during the day. I tried to teach him to go down the stairs and to say Grandma, but to no avail. We took him to a couple of Trevor's baseball games, but usually it was cold and too long for him to sit still. We had a great time with him, but as I said when we had Lincoln, you forget what time and effort it takes having little ones around.
As you can see in the pic above, Marc is sporting a bit of facial hair. He is currently in the process of qualification training for transoceanic flights. So in the mean time while he is sitting idle, he thought he would grow something he can't normally have. Too bad he can't get it to grow that thick, even with the gray, on the top...JK