Nov 1, 2012

Bears don't live by houses...That just makes me laugh to even say it:)

     While that title makes no sense to most, it is those types of statements that keep things interesting at our house. Just so you know, if your house faces south from every side and you look out the window and see a bear, it is probably white.
     So I have started and saved multiple posts over the last year, just never quite finishing them and thinking I will get to it again later. One of the funny things I have found is that by the end of the year, all my posts are pretty much what I put into my family Christmas letter. So here I am thinking whether or not to write anything, or just wait till Christmas? Well, I guess I can go into more detail now, and just summarize later for the letter.
Where to begin....
     In reference to the title, Trevor was given a brain teaser by his baseball coach. Overall he did fine, but this particular question had him puzzled. He wrote his answer, and subsequently the all the coaches found out  and thought it was hilarious. These are the things I need to do better at putting into writing so I will remember how funny it was, and to also have something more than life events to write about.
     You would have never guessed with our ability to travel that we had never taken our kids to DisneyLAND. Yes, we have been to Disney World multiple times, but never Disneyland. So this January we hopped on a plane and spent almost a week in CA. We went just a couple of days though since the park was so busy from the Rose Bowl fans and locals who were still out of school. We went down to the Hollywood walk of fame and to the beach. Marcs family was also there, and we hung with them a lot too. We got to take Brittany and Spencer with us as well while Jacob was out of town for work. Tye even made the trip down for a couple of days before the new semester started. He had to leave early to get back to work and go be with his "sick" girlfriend.
     I guess you could say she wasn't really "sick," except in the morning...So as we got off the plane from LAX to SLC, Tye called me (Mom), to inform me that Lauren was pregnant. My first response was "by you?" It wasn't intended to be mean, but I was trying to not let all the family around me know what he was saying and also, if you know anything about their relationship, they just didn't spend all that much time together. Apparently the time they did spend was put to good use?...(or as I said, conjugal visits) It was my birthday that weekend, and I didn't want to ruin it by telling everybody and having the yell fest/lecture that was sure to be had by Marc. Shockingly, Marc ended up not yelling all that much when I did tell him, but the lectures have been pretty much nonstop. ( of course, they always were happening before anyway) This isn't the life you have envisioned for your kids, "when you have already been there and done that," but at least we knew that it could all turn out OK.
     Moving forward, Trevor was once again playing on the high school baseball team. We got to all take a fun spring training trip to Memphis, TN. We, of course, toured Graceland while we were there. The varsity team actually won the tournament. Some of the fields we played on were like college fields, they were awesome. One of the teams they played was the same school from Blindside. After the tournament was over, we headed into Nashville for a couple of days to see the sights. Trevor and Marc have been there already a couple of times to see the Titans play, but I have not. We went over to where the Grande Ole Opry is, but because it was Easter Sunday it was closed. We got to see the Vanderbilt fields and all of downtown.  Once we returned to SLC, the boys took region. We fell short in the state championships, but it was a great season. 2 of our boys were being highly recruited by the pros, and we always had scouts at the games to watch them. (Brady was drafted and is now playing for the Yankees) Trevor had a pretty good season of baseball on the sophomore and JV teams. He has pretty much moved into only playing 1st base and not pitching anymore. They played a summer league, but no travelling for tournaments. This fall they had qualified for a tournament in Vegas, so after not picking up a bat or ball for 3 months (because of golf) we got to go play 4 games. I was so happy to see Trevor perform so well after his down time, he even turned a TRIPLE play. (L3-U3-6, which means a line drive hit to and caught,out 1, by Trev, he then touched first base,out 2, and then threw it to shortstop at 2nd base for out #3)  
     In June, as soon as school was out, we headed up to Jeremy Ranch with Marcs family for a little close to home getaway. Trev enjoyed all the golf courses up that way with a friend he brought with, while we mostly just relaxed and swam at the pool. Britt and Spencer came up a few days before Jacob was able to, but even Tye and Lauren came up for a couple of days. Lauren was almost 7 months pregnant, and was starting to have a few contractions. Shortly after, her Dr. put her on bed rest hoping she could at least get to 34 weeks or more. We had a fun baby shower for her, but she had to be careful since she wasn't supposed to be out of bed except for potty, shower and eating.
    Phew, she made it to 37 weeks exactly. Now they didn't (couldn't) stop her when her water broke. She was admitted on July 20th, but Braylon didn't make his debut until 3:17am on July 21,2012. He weighed in at 6 lbs 2 oz and 19.5 in. long. Not too bad for 3 weeks early. (Just as a side note, there was a horrible mass shooting at a theater in Colorado at the opening of Batman on July 20, so we were happy that he waited so his birthday won't be the anniversary of that tragedy.)
     All things baby related... Britt found out that she is having baby #2 in early February. So far, all indications are that it will be a baby girl.  Britt is at 26 weeks. Braylon is now 3 months old and growing so fast. He weighs in at a whopping 13 lbs 9 oz and 24 in long. We love having him around. He is usually very good natured and a good sleeper. My sister Janessa had a baby girl, Brecklyn, just 2 weeks after Braylon. I am pretty sure they look 2 months, not 2 weeks apart. In December, my other sister will be adding #5 to their family in New Zealand. They think it is a girl as well. We are hoping that they will still be able to come over next summer as planned so we can all see the new addition.
     So back to everything else, possibly in no particular order. Trev killed the Sunbird just before we went to Disneyland ( we didn't know it was actually dead till we came home. Wasn't January a fun month...?) It took 3 months for Marc to decide he could part with it, and that was only partly because my dad won a car at our baseball raffle and we bought it from him for Trev to drive. Trev made the golf team again this year. He is now a Junior at BHS and is taking some hard college courses. Tye is a pretty good dad to Braylon. He was just promoted to Assistant Manager at the theater and is still going to school at the U.
     Just a few weeks ago we took Trevor, Brittany, Jacob and Spencer to Orlando for a Disney cruise or "Mickey Boat" as Spencer called it. We had a blast, but also were sad that Tye, Lauren and Braylon weren't able to join us. We are planning a family trip for Christmas, and hopefully everyone will be able to go.
     Hopefully I will get better about updating this blog, but don't count on it, cuz playing with grandkids is much more fun.  Maybe when I have some more time I will add some pictures too.