Mar 2, 2008

Happy 17th Birthday Tye...Boy did that go by fast!

And I don't just mean the last 17 years, I mean that little red car the cop just clocked at 53 mph in a 35 mph zone.(Who knew the sunbird could even go that fast. Maybe the cop has dyslexia 53..35) What a fun birthday gift for Tye. He was returning to school from lunch and apparently couldn't get there quick enough. Tye says he was really only going about 45 mph before he realized he was going so fast and began to break, so how he was ever at 53 mph he isn't quite sure. At least the cop was sort of nice and only wrote him up for 50 mph. If I was Tye I would have said hey it's my birthday, can I have just a warning?
Anyway, Tye is generally a good kid and we are sure glad he is a part of our family.
Happy Birthday Tye!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that is hilarious. I like the pun on the speeding ticket and 17 years.